Saltbush-Uniting the Scattered Community

Scattered community gatherings are opportunities for smaller Christian communities to gather in rural locations, not for meetings, or planning, or lectures, but for encouragement, community and hospitality.

It is the hope of the Uniting Church that through its work we can encourage smaller Christian communities, irrespective of size or location, to be connected, to be affirmed, and to be challenged within their faith lives in our contemporary world and society.

  • Working together to affirm the place of Uniting Christian communities and their presence within their local communities, irrespective of style of gathering, location, size.
  • Radically discerning the place and nature of the work of ministry leaders for the rural church.  This could mean Scattered Community Ministers working together in team Ministry, irrespective of location.  This could mean a full time Minister for Project Reconnect.
  • Embracing the place of a renewed and creative Ruminations (rural ministry publication), Project Reconnect (digital worship support), Rural Ministry Unit (RMU2), team Ministry and opportunities to gather Christian communities.
  • Bringing our opportunities to connect, communicate, worship and financially contribute into the 21st Century!

Why is this Ministry called Saltbush?

The Saltbush is a hardy plant that can be found worldwide and usually grows in rough, dry, rural areas.  It withstands great heat and drought and can be used year round for stock feed.

The Saltbush is our symbol for an enduring presence, life giving, in the rural landscape.

Saltbush as a Vision

Saltbush – Uniting the Scattered Community, seeks to encourage and connect Uniting Christian communities, irrespective of size or location.

Saltbush seeks to enable us as a broad church to embrace the reality of being Christian community in the 21st. century and to affirm diverse ways for people across the land to belong and both to gather and be in mission together.

Saltbush seeks to work with individuals and Christian communities who are willing to confront traditions and habits of the past to shape new intentional gatherings for the present future!

For more information on how you can join the conversation please follow this link: